Oil Spill Preparedness

” Oil spill response training in the port of Vigo, Spain – 09/11/22 ” credited by MARKLEEN


  • Capability Audit.
  • Tier 1 and Tier 2 Exercise design and facilitation.
  • Oil Spill Response Plan development and review.
  • Tactical response plans.
  • Incident Response Advisor.


  • OPRC OSR LEVEL 1 (IMO Equivalent 3 days)
    Designed for all on scene supervisors who will lead or supervise oil spill response operational activities at ports and harbours and those required to conduct shoreline spill response.
  • OPRC OSR LEVEL 2 (IMO Equivalent 4 days)
    Designed for all managers / supervisors who will lead or supervise oil spill response teams and those with support responsibilities within an incident command or emergency team.
  • OPRC OSR LEVEL 3 (IMO Equivalent 4 days)
    Designed for the position of an Incident Commander during an oil spill incident. It also targets those in government who would more than likely be involved in emergency response and represent their jurisdiction
  • Spill Awareness Course (1 day)
    This is a practical based course and aimed at personnel that are required to respond in the first instance to a spill. Introducing them to preparedness, response techniques and requirements when dealing with oils, chemicals, effluents and other potential pollutants.
  • ICS 300 ( Incident Command System) Course (3 days)
    This is a theory and desktop exercise based course designed for staff with a responsible role that may be required to lead a response team during an Incident.